iris florist software
Frequently Asked Questions.
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We Understand You May Have Questions

We Are Here To Help With Our Florist FAQs

It's a big decision and we understand that it can be stressful.
Get answers to questions other florists have asked.

Is IRIS Easy To Use?

IRIS is an extremely simple, intuitive and easy to use floral point-of-sale system. You can train your staff to use IRIS within a day.

Our shop Is Very Busy. Does It Take Long To Get Up And Running?

This depends on the size of your shop. If you are a shop with 1-5 computers, getting IRIS up and running takes roughly an hour. Using our import tools you can quickly import products, categories, customers, zip codes and more. We also all provide all inclusive services where we do all the work. Our experienced team will import all data from your current floral point-of-sale system for you. Please contact us for more information.

Will IRIS Work With My Existing Hardware?

You do not need to use our recommended hardware with IRIS but it is advised. IRIS has been designed to work perfectly with our high quality peripherals (printers, scanners, credit card readers, etc). We work with the best and most commonly used retail hardware in the industry. In most cases it will work with most hardware but we can not always guarantee perfect operation.

Contact our sales department at for more information or simply sign up for a free trial to see how IRIS works with your existing hardware.

What Happens If I Lose My Internet Connection?

Good news here. Unlike many floral POS systems on the market, IRIS floral POS will continue to run offline if your Internet ever goes down. IRIS will silently switch into offline mode behind the scenes. All order information will be saved locally and then synced with IRIS servers when your connection is restored. Never again turn away a customer and lose a sale because your floral POS is unavailable.

Will IRIS Run On PC & MAC?

Absolutely. IRIS has been designed to run on both operating systems. No drive partitioning or virtualization software needed. Just install and go.

Do I Have To Use One Of Your Recommended Credit Card Processors?

Certainly not. Granted there are some advantages to using one of our preferred processors. We work with leading merchant service providers such as Cayan,, USAePay and TransNational. However if you have an existing relationship with your own, you can still use them with IRIS.

Is IRIS EMV Compliant?

Yes. IRIS is fully certified EMV compliant. We can suggest terminals to you for chip card processing.

Does IRIS Work With QuickBooks?

Yes. IRIS offers seamless integration with QuickBooks online. You can sync all of your financial data with one click. You can also sync customers, invoices and more. If you have the installed version of QuickBooks, IRIS has an export tool that creates compatible IIF files for a smooth import.

I Have An Existing Website. Can IRIS Integrate With It?

We have integrated with some of the most populate shopping cart systems available such as Shopify, Woo Commerce, Big Commerce, 3dCart and FSN. IRIS floral POS also provides a built in shopping cart system that you can incorporate into your existing website seamlessly.

I'd Like To Speak With Someone Already Using IRIS. Is That Possible?

Surely. Contact our sales department at and we'll put you in touch with another florist in your area.

How Long Does It Take To Set Up A Merchant Account?

Provided you have all the proper information, underwriting can usually provision your merchant account in 24-48 hours.

Can I Send & Receive Orders Through IRIS?

Absolutely. IRIS integrates with Flower Shop Network. You can both send and receive directly through the IRIS floral POS system.

Can I Print Delivery / Supertickets From IRIS?

IRIS supports delivery / superticket printing on all the industry standard layouts. We support Telelflora Dove, Eagle, FTD and RTI. Print stock can be obtained from Multi Packaging Solutions ( formerly John Henry Company ). Visit their website here:

Are There Any Hidden Fees For Your Service?

Not at all! All you pay is your monthly fee. There are NO additional hidden fees, charges or costs.

Are There Any Contracts?

There are no contracts for the use of our floral POS software.

Do I Have To Backup My Own Data?

Not at all. This is done for you. All data is stored on IRIS servers and protected with several layers of encryption. Database backups are performed nightly along with 15 minute incremental backups. Data is also replicated to a secondary secure location. In the unlikely event of hardware failure or data loss, all information can be restored.

How Do I Get Started?

Getting started with IRIS is simple. Just click for your fully functional 14 day demo.

Let's do this! Try IRIS for free on us for 14 days.

No credit card. No contract. No commitment required.

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